Welcome to part two of our look at how to use the right social media for your business. We previously examined Facebook, Twitter andLinkedIn and the role each of them play in creating your business’s digital voice and how you can use each of them different to connect with your customers and improve your business. Social media can allow you to connect with your customers in a way that’s never existed before. You now have to power to attract customers and deal with complaints in real time. Allow people to have a say, to have input on what they want to see if your restaurant, your spa or even your hotel. It’s time to integrate the social experience into your brand.
Today, we will look at Pinterest, Instagram and consumer comment sites, such as Yelp and Trip Advisor.
There are over 70 million Pinterest users and 500,000 business accounts. It’s users average sixteen minutes on average on the site- by far the longest average user time on any social platform! The half life of pin is on average three and a half months and 80% of pins are re-pins. Pinterest will benefit your business if:
- You are in the food, fashion, travel, home décor, DIY or lifestyle industries and primarily deal with business to customer relations
- You are selling visually appealing products, which can be retail items, clothes, or destinations
- You want to share new trends and inspirations in your business industry
- You have to time to commit- Pinterest requires a lot of attention and upkeep
Instagram gives your consumers the chance to “window shop” your product. It’s also the perfect opportunity to show a side of your business that you wouldn’t typically show. It’s a great way to connect with your customers on a personable level and have a little more fun. Use Instagram to enhance your business if:
- You are in the food, fashion, travel, or lifestyle industries
- You are looking to connect with customers on a different level and show more personality with your brand
- That is where your target is- for most hospitality and service brands, Instagram is a great way to connect with a range of consumers from many generations
Consumer comment websites
With a business in the hospitality/service industry, you know your business can benefit from providing their customers with a platform to share what they find positive, and what they may find negative, about your business. Consumer based websites can be your consumer’s first instinct after hearing about your business or viewing your website. Joining a network such as Yelp or Trip Advisor is right for your business if:
- You are looking to establish your business in the regional market. When people are looking for a place to eat or a place to stay- you want to make sure that your business pops up as an option
- You are willing to listen to possible shortcomings of your company and want to engage with consumers to right the wrong
Social media is crucial to your business- but make sure that you are on the right platform to connect with your current and potential customers. Your customers provide an indispensable perspective on your business. Braymark and its leading Niagara mystery shoppers can help you realize your ability to attract new customers and have your old customers coming back for more.